Heart Attack can come any time
We have some experience of heart attack problem on the factory. People who have heart attack history in the previous time, can get heart attack any time when he work on the plant. We don't know when heart attack will come, because many reason can causes heart attack. Hormone stability of this person also can become the trigger of heart attack. Emotional disturbance and work pressure can make their heart attack come if the body condition weak.
Unfortunately we can't detect when heart attack will come, people who have heart attack problem on the previous time usually can feel if their heart attack will come. But the bad news that this people don't tell anyone if their heart attack will come. This condition make the first aid for heart attack can be delayed and too late. The first aid for heart attack if their heart don't beat is make the heart beat using defibrillator. On our plant always provide this tools in the control room to make the first aid for heart attack or other victim don't too late to help.