The Symptom of Heart Failure
The sign of heart failure include tachycardia and manifestation of venous congestion (eg. edema) and low cardiac output because of fatigue or heart block. The breathlessness, a cardiac symptom of left ventricular failure, may manifest with progressively increasing severity.
Heart failure can be classified into several of factors. From laboratory studies should include a complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, and renal and liver function studies, and 2 dimentional echocardiography is recommended in the initial evaluation of patients with known or suspected heart failure. The two principle of feature on the chest radiograph are the size and the shape of the cardiac silhouette and edema at the lung bases, and pulse ozimetry is highly accurate for assessing the presence of hypoxemia and the severity of heart failure.
If the patient in accute failure, patient care consists of stabilizing clinical condition, establishing the diagnosis, etiology and precipitating factors, and initiating therapies to provide rapid symptom relief. Surgical option of medical cure like heart transplantation, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), valve replacement or repair, ventricular restoration, cardiac resynchronization therapy and ventricular assist devices can be implemented as the last option.