Heart examination
The closure of the heart valves and the contraction of the heart muscle produce sounds that can be heart through the thoracic wall by the unaided ear, although they can be amplified by means of a STETHOSCOPE. The sounds of the heart may be represented as lubb-dupp- pause -lubb-dupp- pause. The lube sound indicates the closing of the valves between the atria and ventricles and the contracting ventricles; the dupp sounds indicates the closing of semi lunar valves. In addition, there may also be cardiac murmurs. The study of heart sounds and murmurs furnishes valuable information regarding the condition of the heart muscle and valves.
The heart sounds are recorded with the aid of sensitive microphones, so that anomalies of the heart or the valves can be analyzed. The conduction of the contraction stimulus can also be recorded on the body surface by an ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH. The electrocardiograph (ECG) that is obtained in this way furnishes information about the rhythm of the heart, the conduction of the stimulus, and the conduction of the heart muscle. Other methods include the mechanical recording of the heartbeat, echocendiography and radioisotopes, x-ray analysis of the heart’s from and movements, and x-ray contrast studies of the blood flow through the heart and the coronary vessels.